Thursday, June 20, 2013

White, Teal and Indigo eye Makeup look + The Enigma and Serena Rose!

I realize I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks. Life just takes over sometimes. :-)

This makeup look was created using shadows I made, so I'm not going to list what was used, but still share the pictures for you.

I wore this look to a club event my hubby hosted and DJ'd. It was a sort of mild S&M thing paired with some fun freakshow type acts from the awesome Enigma and Serena Rose! Not only was their show fun (well...and kind of gross!), they were super nice!

My hand made jewelry is available HERE.

My hubby, The Enigma and moi

 Tyler and me waiting for the show to get started!

 This gal was stripping while waiting for Master Rex.

 Master Rex with a blowtorch and bar of wax.


 Me and Nicole

 Nicole and Shanna

 Serena Rose and The Enigma (she was holding a banana flavored condom...)

 Serena Rose

If you aren't familiar with them, here's a video:

 Me and the hubby

 The Enigma and my hubby

The End