Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hair from 6 years ago...

People tell me all the time that I'd look good with a bob hair style. Yeah, I know as I've had various types over the years. I cut it short, grow it out long, then cut it off again and repeat the cycle. Right now I have heavily layered long hair. It's shoulder/chin length in the front and to the middle of my the back. I'm still growing it out too.

So here's my extreme bob that I had for a couple years. Again, this is 6 years old and I refused to pluck my eyebrows. ;-)

I found this one looking for my hair photos, also 6 years old:
I wore the heck outta this lipgloss and I didn't even remember what it is! Yes, I made the headpiece.

So there you go. I have had really short hair multiple times. :-)



  1. You are so gamine and gorgeous Blix! Thanks for sharing. My two cents go to the long hair, although with your swanlike neck, short is flattering.

  2. Love your hair in the bob! I tend to go thru different hair styles too. I'm currently working on growing mine out long for a while. Isn't it so interesting how brows we do or don't treat our brows can make us look so different!

  3. That bob is epic!
    Eyebrows plucked or not, you still look wonderful.

  4. The short hair cut makes your neck seem really, really long. And adorable headpiece, as always :)

  5. Wow! That's even shorter in the back than mine was when I used to wear it in a bob. Could you wear it back at all? The front pieces look like they were long enough. Now my hair's waist, after having been at hip for a while. Biggest change I've made recently was cutting in bangs two years ago. We all do extreme things with our hair, right?

    The fuller brows suit you, if you ever decide to grow them back.

  6. Wow. You look great with any hair and any eyebrows. Lucky! x

  7. It was a cute haircut on you! Those sorts of extreme bobs look horrible on me.

  8. Extreme bob! Looks great on you, I bet you gave people a shock when you turned around!

  9. Wow!!! That is an extreme bob but you wore it so well.

  10. I love that bob, I don't think I've seen anyone with such an extreme one as that! You could literally pull off any hairstyle. ^^

  11. I love both the bob and the eyebrows :) .

  12. I LOVE YOUR BOB. that looked amazing on you! As wonderful as it looks, I love your hair now :) I'm super jealous of it! I realize that this makes no difference to you and you will continue to cut your hair and grow it out as you please - I just wanted to let you know it's gorgeous either way!

  13. The short cut really shows off your long graceful neck....but I do think your long hair is just gorgeous!!

  14. I love your extreme bob! The headpiece is gorgeous ;)

  15. Wow, that's a reallye xtreme haircut! Ill like to know how I look in one of these... But I think you look way better now! (Hair & eyebrows)

  16. I have a similar bob now - cut my waist long hair so it's a major change! What I love is how you have such a wonderfully long neck that a short hair style looks amazing on you! You're gorgeous with long hair, short hair - knock wood, I love it.

  17. Wow, you looked sooo different! That's an interesting haircut!

    Jonna xx

  18. OMG. Your neck is impossibly long and gorgeous!!!
    GIRL, you a SWAN?! haha.

  19. Thank you SO much for posting this - that is exactly how I want the back of my hair cut, but I can never get they stylist to understand - now i can just show her this picture!

  20. Yes, I have a creepy long neck. I loved my hair that length. It saved me a lot of money on hair products but I had to trim it so often that it got annoying. My hair grows really fast. :-/

    Oh, it was possible to pull the front part of my hair back into a pony tail but it looked really dumb. So if I needed my hair out of my face, I just used clips or barrettes to pin the sides back behind my ears.
    I'm enjoying my long hair and don't plan on cutting it any time soon.

    And...I've been growing my eyebrows out. Wee!

  21. like that lipstick and the eye look
