Friday, May 27, 2011

Blue/Turquoise Glitter Makeup look with Morgana Cryptoria

Originally I had a very different idea in my head of what makeup look I was going to do, but this is what ended up instead. My husband said I looked like a mermaid girl. :-)  Then he said it looked like I should have made the lower lash line glitter a different colour. I rarely ask "how do I look?"  because he's a guy and knows he's supposed to say, "you look great!". He usually just says things on his own. I appreciate it when he gives me his honest opinion rather than not looking at me at all and saying, "yeah yeah, you look fine, let's go..."  He is an art major so he does see makeup as art and will sometimes stop me so he can look over my eye makeup. Which is so cute. :-)

He also apparently knows more about makeup than average girls. We watched a movie recently and I said, "wow, that girl's makeup is awful!". Jason's like, "yeah, she needs an eyeshadow primer!". I just looked at him blinking and then started laughing my butt off!  She had black smokey eyeshadow that was seriously creased and migrating around her eyes. Was bad. He's also said funny stuff like, "hmmm...that glitter you have on does not look like cosmetic's big and chunky. Is that eye safe?".  Ha!  I guess being married to a makeup obsessed crazy lady is bound to make you learn a few makeup things. I'm tempted to have him do my makeup to see how well he would do. Should I film that?!



Eyes (all applied in this order):
Chafing Relief Powder-Gel (applied to upper lid, blending in gently with ring finger) 
Detrivore Eye Primer (applied all around the eyes, blending in gently with ring finger)
Morgana - Ethereal Veil (applied to inner V with MAC 228 by patting/sweeping) 
Morgana - Broomstick (applied to upper eye area with MAC 239 by patting then sweeping)
Morgana - Port Royale (applied to lower lash line with MAC 228 by patting/sweeping)
Morgana - Snowball's Chance (applied under brow with MAC 217 by patting/sweeping and blending downward)
Collection 2000 Glam Crystals Dazzling Gel liner - Le Freak (applied thick to lower lash line by swiping it on)
NYX Jumbo Pencil in White (applied to water line with MAC 210)
Kryolan Aqua Color liner - black (applied wet with water, using MAC 210 on upper lash line winging outward)
Ardell lashes #113

Eyebrows: Ardell Eyebrow powder in soft black (applied with MAC 266)

Lips: Morgana Lipstick in Amethyst
Milani 3D Glitzy Glamour Gloss - Fashion Diva

Face: Skin MD Shielding lotion
Physicians Formula Healthy Wear SPF 50 Powder - Translucent Light (applied with a flocked sponge by patting, then blending in) 
Sobe Bronzer in Summer Fling (applied as a contour just below the cheek bones by lightly patting, then blending with a "zigzag" motion)
Sobe Duochrome Blush - Enchanted (applied to apples of cheeks with an angled blush brush) 


  1. this is a beautiful look, and I love how you always manage to take such good pictures!

    The lips are killing me, BTW. I'm a sucker for purple lips :)

  2. I love the combo of the blue/teal eyes and the purple/fuschia lips, lovely :)

  3. Oh you look just beautiful! I looove the lips :)

  4. LOVE this look! Beautiful colours. ♥

    Jonna xx

  5. Beautiful as usual! I love Broomstick, and Amethyst looks so pretty on you. I agree, this does look very mermaid-ish :)

  6. I love that lip combination! And how cute is your guy? D'aww. I can't imagine my other half asking if my glitter was cosmetic grade!

  7. I am absolutely IN LOVE with this look!
    That super cool blue on they eyes, paired with the warm purpley lip is just PERFECT.

    And your stories about Jason are so cute! I'm starting to notice my boo pick up on makeup malfunctions too! Even my male roommate admits to paying more attention to girls with makeup! I guess it's bound to happen lololol

  8. yes you should film that! and omg love that blue!

  9. I love the lip combo and Broomstick! You should totally film him doing your makeup, that'd be the cutest thing ever XD

  10. Your lips are gorgeous! I love this color on you!

  11. awww I want my future husband to be like that with my makeup
    & yes film it!

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE! this is so beautiful and u really do look like a mermaid =D

  13. You look so beautiful, I absolutely love this <3

    My last boyfriend says he constantly judges girls eye makeup now because of me :P

  14. I love how men kind of pick up your hobby. Well that's not the right way to put it, makes it seem like they start doing your hobby, but how they become almost just as knowledgeable as you about it! So cute.

  15. Yeah, he's a total cutie pie. Perhaps he secretly reads my blog! That would be too funny! I think it's easy for our friends (even guys) to pick up on our interests when they are good people. I met a gal recently who said one of my male friends told her, "If anyone knows about makeup, it's her!". Which I thought was super cute.

    Thanks for the compliments. :-)

  16. my other half knows i have a makeup obsession, he doesnt always understand it, but doesnt stop me!
