Saturday, August 28, 2010


This is my first contest giveaway. I wanted to show you all how much I appreciate you by doing this. You all are so awesome! I really appreciate all the comments and warm, friendly people I have met over the past few months. Thank you for your support!

There will be FIVE lucky winners for this contest! All of these are mainly Aromaleigh. If you are not from the states and did not have a chance to get some of these things before the restriction went in place, now's your chance!

Here's what the winnings are:

1st place winner will receive:
The entire sample collection of Aromaleigh's Ciao Italia
The entire sample collection of Aromaleigh's Lost in Faerie
5 baggies containing 1/2 teaspoon of eye safe glitter in Ocean Blue, Black Magic, Purple Punch, Hologram and Fairy Dust. All of these are awesome when added in lipgloss too!
To help you apply the glitter, I've included Sally Girl Glitter Glue!
NYX False lashes #144 (comes with lash glue)
Feather Hair Clip made by moi (attaches to hair with a snap clip)

2nd place will receive:
The entire sample collection of Aromaleigh's Les Papillions
3 baggies of 1/2 teaspoon of glitter in Hologram, Purple Punch and Ocean Blue
Sally Girl Glitter Glue for you to play with the glitter!

3rd place winner will receive:
The entire sample collection of Aromaleigh's Pure Eyes Frost
2 baggies with 1/2 teaspoon of eye safe glitter in Hologram and Purple Punch
Sally Girl Glitter Glue for you to play with the glitter!

 4th place winner will receive:
Aromaleigh's 2009 Valentine sample collection

5th place will receive:
The entire Aromaleigh Pure Drama sample collection

I have other goodies not pictured to include in each lot. This contest is open internationally so everyone is welcome!

1. You must be a follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect which I have labeled "Sparkle Addicts".

2. You must post a comment in this post about what you like about my blog or would like to see more of.

3. You must include your email address in your comment so I may contact you if you win. Example: blix at blogger dot com

4. You must post about this giveaway in your blog if you have one. If you don't have one, don't worry about it. But if you do have one, just a simple post linking to this giveaway post or my blog is fine.

The contest will start today August 28th and will end Saturday September 11th. Winners will be announced on September 12th.

Winners will be picked at random. :-)

Thanks and good luck!


  1. hey darling!
    Deff enter me in this giveaway! I love it! I don't really enter many giveaways unless they are giving things i want... and these prizes are amazing!
    Of course i am a follower - so glad i am.. you are so very talented
    I love your blog because you are like I said very talented and so very beautiful. You are so creative and you give a variety of looks. I would like to see more of what you already do.. i don't think you could do anything much better? maybe some tutorials?
    my email:
    my post about this giveaway:
    Good luck to everyone~

  2. This is great!!! hehe What I love about your blog is that I find you very unique in your style. I love your use of bold color combinations.

    Good luck everyone!

  3. wow those pigments look lovely. good luck with the giveaway!

  4. Darn - was hoping you didn't have to be a blogger to enter. I'd love the first prize with those gorgeous samples!

  5. hey lady :)

    i participate with pleasure at your giveaway.
    i'm follower but i don't know how speak about this on my blog :(
    this giveaway is great , i'm excited to win !!

    i'm really happy to read you every day ,Your make-ups are sublime, really adapted to your image
    i really like your style , you are very beautiful & Atypical lady !!!It is interesting to see the various styles of the other countries ( coz i'm french trashy girl ;)and you represent them divinely

    thank you so much for this opportunity :)

    my mail :

  6. 1. You must be a follower of my blog through Google Friend Connect which I have labeled "Sparkle Addicts".


    2. You must post a comment in this post about what you like about my blog or would like to see more of.

    I like the giveaways & would like to see more of these on your blog.

    3. You must include your email address in your comment so I may contact you if you win. Example: blix at blogger dot com

    forsurveysonly at gmail dot com

    4. You must post about this giveaway in your blog.

    Done. Here is the link:

  7. Holy stuff batman!
    That hairclip is so cute! + I wanna snort the holo glitter.
    Sparkle boogies!

    I shan't enter for the same reason as you but this is a damn fine giveaway woman! Imma put it on my bloggy blog. :)

  8. Hi there! I'd love to enter your contest.. but I don't have a blog.. can I Tweet about it?? If so.. here's my info..

    1. I am a follower.. I read through Blog Lovin.. :)

    2. I love your looks.. you're incredibly talented.. and I love that you take so many pictures to capture the looks. I would love to see you do a tutorial.. if possible.

    3. kerry elizabeth 97 at yahoo dot com

    4. I'll Tweet about your giveaway.

  9. 1. I like your blog because you have similar taste in makeup colors as me. I love all your goth-y looks, but I also like that you do bright, sparkley and neutral looks too~
    2. ajuminagunada(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. 1. I follow you, I'm "Kayla G"

    2. I love all of your looks but I especially love your application! You have flawless application skills and every time I put on eyeshadow I try to emulate how you blend. I also love your color combinations. A lot of your looks I would never think of putting certain colors together.

    One thing I'd like to see more of, but I understand you're so busy is tutorials! I'd love to see how you apply your makeup.

    3. boopers22 at gmail dot com

    4. I don't have a blog :(

  11. 1. Yup I'm following you through google and you are on my blog roll. :3
    2. I really like your fitness posts I'd love some dietary advice too.
    3. Pixiealamode at gmail dot com
    4. Going to go make a post about it right now. :3 Will link in reply.

  12. linky poo to mah blog post. :D

  13. 1 - I follow you through google friend connect with 2 accounts. This one and my private/job account.

    2 - I love your looks! Specially the ones with glitter! You make amazing stuff! I also love club pictures! I'd like to see more of both!

    3 - cacau.ichigo at

    4 -

    Great giveaway! :)

  14. I'm gonna be your first contestant!

    I like your blog for the pictures - I take forever with my photos, which is why I haven't updated mine. It's amazing the different things you can do.

    emilys dot livejournal at gmail dot com

  15. I'm a follower!

    I love all of your different makeup looks, it's so interesting to see some of the different color combination that you do!

    dancinbluegirl90 at gmail dot com

    Posted on my giveaway tab at

  16. I follow you thru Google Friend Connect as "The Peach."

    I love your looks! They are inspiration for me to try something new!

    the (dash) peach (at) hotmail (dot) com

    I posted about your giveaway on my blog:

  17. 1. I am a proud follower

    2. I like the pictures... and the detailed explanations of methods you used to achieve the looks in them.

    3. feisty_brunette at hotmail dot com

    4. You are linked in my sidebar. ^_^

  18. i'm following
    i'd like to see more dramatic looks (which you do anyway...but still!)

    i'm not sure whether to post on my blog since i'm not posting for the meantime :S

    daisypack (at) hotmail (dot) com

  19. Wow, lovely giveaway :)

    i LOVE all your looks and find it very unique because your choice of colors is just great. I would like to see you doing theme-based looks with a bit of drama :).


    i have posted about your giveaway in the sidebar of my blog here:

    thank you so much

  20. Follower
    I love your frequent and dramatic looks. They help me a lot thinking of new inspiration.

  21. Hi :) I follow you through google friend connect as Linsay,you are on my blog roll and I posted about yr giveaway in my sidebar :

    I like yr blog because you're very talented, your make ups are gorgeous and it inspires me :)
    e-mail :

  22. Hi !!
    m a new followers.... m drolling over your giveaway... hehehe...
    i am very passionate about makeup,like you, i love experimenting with bold colors, Love your blog...
    my email id -

  23. hi !! i posted about your giveaway on my blog page, here is the link..

  24. I'm a follower of your blog :)

    I love your blog because your looks always have glitter, and I looove glitter :D
    Also, you have a really awesome style, and I love checking out your pics.

    I linked your giveaway in the sidebar of my blog!

    my 'underscore' chemical 'underscore' princess at hotmail dot com

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. SWEET!!!

    1. Following throught google, you are also on my blogroll.

    2. I LOVE your glitter looks and would love to see more!

    3. thia2345 at gmail dot com

    4. Here is my own post!

    I can't wait!

  26. Wow, what a generous give away! I have to say I like everything about your blog. I love to look at the pics of your looks as they are always truely beautiful. I really love that you've added your workout regimen into the blog as well.
    kathollywood at gmail dot com
    I will add a link to your contest on my blog.

  27. I follow!

    I love your LOTDs, but I would love to see more about your eyebrows, because I think yours are fabulous and I have no idea what to do with mine :(

    Email: the.jade.carver at gmail dot com

    Here is mah blog post:

    Thankyou SO much for this incredibly generous giveaway!

  28. I follow you on google friend connect!
    I love your blog! You're makeups always varied and you're so good at it ((: I also like that you share pictures of things other than makeup.
    I'd like to see you do more costume makeup or something that you wouldn't necessarily wear out, makeup just for fun (:
    Blog linkkkk:

    Annies email: justtragic at live dot co dot uk

  29. Such a great giveaway, Ive never used anything of the brand, but have read and heard so much about it.

    1. Im a follower with google friend account and bloglovin.
    2. I must admit I didnt know your blog until vividfusion wrote a blog about this giveaway. I do like yout style though and I'm definately going to follow you from now on! And I ADORE that hairclip! I totally love feathers and green, it's perfect!
    3. j.dorst3(at)
    4. Ive put this giveaway under ''giveaways'' on my blog, in the sidebar.

  30. I'm a follower of your blog.

    The thing I like about your blog and most other makeup blogs are the looks because they give me ideas of new color combinations to try and also because I've founds several great makeup companies thanks to seeing certain colors and deciding I need to have them.

    email: hi_it_is_me at yahoo dot com

  31. 1. Followed
    2. Love your gorgeous FoTDs
    3. shefallssoftly (at) gmail (dot) com
    4. No blog!

  32. Hi! I'm a follower of your blog via GFC.
    I love your EOTD,u have so beautiful eyes and pretty make up's.
    I don't have my own blog.
    anuroininen at hotmail dot com

  33. That hair clip is amazing! I blogged about the giveaway for you :)

  34. Hello! I like the blog because of so many pictures you share. You are a great photographer and your make up looks are very creative and unique. My e addy is jane.doe0198 at; I dont have a blog but if I did I would post this contest with glee. You must be very generous cause this give-away is mighty!

  35. I'd love to see step by step tutorials on how you apply your makeup.

    tee dot rose 16 @ g mail dot com

  36. Hi Blix!

    I love that feather hair piece it's so pretty!

    I'm a quiet one on the page but I adore every look you do! I love how gorgeous they are and that some are very soft and subtle while others are very sparkly and vivid! So please keep doing the fantastic looks! :) for my blogpost

    Ty for hosting such a fabulous giveaway!

  37. awesome giveaway!
    i am a follower of your blog.
    i love the color and layout of your blog.
    i linked your giveaway to my blog's sidebar.
    username- ks sn

  38. Hey Blix!!

    -I am a follower through Google Friend Connect.
    -What I like about your blog is all the different looks and topics you post. You go from a fabulous look to working out and I really enjoy that.
    -Email Address: mry4era at yahoo dot com
    -Link to my blog post about your giveaway:

  39. I'm following you through google friend connect. What I love about your blog is the beautiful and creative looks you come up with. I love just seeing how pretty each one is.
    email: lisang91 AT hotmail DOT com

  40. Hi Blix!

    Very nice first giveaway! I am following your blog by google and your blog is also in my blogroll. It's one of my favorite blogs. I like all your posts. I love your jewelry and makeup posts. Your workout posts are also very interesting.

    I made post about your giveaway here:

    my email:
    mari dot ahokas at gmail dot com

  41. Follow!
    I love your blog, also for the pictures. They're so hi-rez and detailed!

    corbyjane at gmail dot com


  42. I follow with google friend connect.

    I love your blog for the glitter. There aren't enough glitter looks lately, which is sad.

    noctadea at yahoo dot com

    Awesome giveaway!

  43. I love all the cool looks you do, but some more reviews would be cool.

    My email is jade dot marie dot funk at gmail dot com

    Good luck to all

  44. Wow what a fab giveaway :)
    I love your blog the way it is, to be honest, love the makeup photos as well as the club/outing pictures... not so keen on the workout ones but that's because I have a lazy backside !
    I've reposted on my blog here
    Thanks for the wonderful prizes !
    Lorraine x
    Martiandelights at

  45. great contestttttttttt! i followed your blog because you re damn different! i like your style a lot! because of you i sterted to be more concerned about makeup in general. you inspired me a lot!!! >:D<

    missjesse010 at gmail dot com

  46. This may be the most generous giveaway I've ever seen! :O

    What I like about your blog is how thorough you are with your LOTDs. You have such clear photos and descriptions. Heck, I'm a photographer and I struggle with taking photos of myself, so props to you!

    I included a link to this post here:

    aand my e-mail is amaxhardy at hotmail dotcom. :)

  47. Humm I think you should do more posts with fitness tips also keep up the great job with your FOTD's. The looks you do are amazing. :D

    I follow through google.
    jjmaci at

  48. what I love about your blog is the bold, dramatic looks you do, you're fantastic at it!! they always look so good on you <3

    email: bhevarri at yahoo dot com
    and I posted a little somethin here:

  49. This giveaway is amazing! It's so nice of you to give back to your readers like this. I'd like to be entered in the giveaway.

    As far as what I'd like to see that would be more reviews. I'd also like to see a tutorial or two, especially with your glitter application. OR maybe a post of how you store your makeup. What I enjoy about your blog is your flawless application, and your ability to blend. Master Blender, you! Oh, and your eyeliner is always flawless and I love how you can take two TOTALLY different colors and make it look like they were meant to be.

    My e-mail is mollys_gold at I don't have a blog though, sorry. I do follow you on Google though, and Bloglovin' too.

  50. Greetings from Australia! I've been following your blog for a couple of months now and I love the way you combine colours in your looks. I often get inspiration to use two colours together that I would never have thought of if I hadn't seen you do it first.

    Your blog is also where I first read about Morgana Minerals, so thanks for that! My wallet doesn't like you very much at the moment... ;)

    My email address is olgiepolgie at gmail dot com. I've posted about this competition on my blog at

  51. I love your FOTD because your color combinations are unique, daring and inspirational. Also, I have a crush on your eyes LoL!
    fashiondyva at gmail dot com

  52. Hello!

    I'm a GFC follower, and I'm really liking your post. I love mineral makeup but somehow, i find myself messing up. so you are an inspiration! What brushes do you use?

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  53. I definitely follow through GFC :)

    I love all your looks - I love how you experiment with colour and your looks are so different to the ones I do. You have your own style :D and I'd love to see more swatches!

    Email: silhouettescreamsblog at gmail dot com

    I've posted a blog about the giveaway -

  54. 1. done.
    2. I love your style and how unique the looks you do are.
    I love that you bellydance and would love to see more about that. (and where you get all of your costuming!)

    3. again,

  55. Ahoy thar! :D I be wishing to enter!

    1. I follow your blog, through Google Connect...I'm PyratePatches. :3

    2. I'd love to see more swatches...your's absolutely rock!

    3. pyratepatches at aol dot com

    4. Blogged about your giveaway, here!:

  56. 1. I'm a follower of your blog.

    2. I love your interesting color combos for your looks of the day. When I feel like I'm in in a makeup rut, I like seeing your creative use of color.

    3. cat_at_uw at hotmail dot com

    4. I don't have a blog...

  57. I just had to figure out how to follow someone so I could enter this contest! I love Aromaleigh so much. :(

    I really like the clarity of your pictures. On some sites the pictures can be blurry, unfocused, or have strange lighting so it's hard to see how the colors really look, which is never a problem on your blog. Also, you always do look great in all of your pictures. It really drives me crazy when people post makeup looks and their eyebrows are out of control or there is something else (fixable) going on that looks terrible and detracts from the makeup.

    I would ideally like to see many more Aromaleigh looks since Aromaleigh is all I buy, eyeshadow wise, but I realize this is impractical since Aromaleigh is closing. I also really like teal looks because teal is my favorite color.

    I don't have a blog but my email address is ashnazg792 at aol dot com.

  58. O_o those prizes are awsome!

    I love your looks and would like to see some tutorials, one about the way you apply eyeliner would be great. My email address is soapsandcrafts at gmail dot com.

    I blogged about your contest here

  59. 1. Yup, I'm following you

    2. I used to dress goth more often before so I take a trip down memory lane every time I visit your blog :) I also admire your skills, I really need to practice more with glitter to make it look as good as you do.
    I would like to see a tutorial about how to work with glitter.

    3.My email:
    pinkbitch at hotmail dot com

    4. My blog is about 18th century sewing so this is very OT for my blog. I hope it's OK for me to enter anyway.

  60. i am a follower through google.
    email is
    m4nki86 at gmail dot com

    i love your blog because you have so many looks and photos. i also love that you use vibrant colours and the fact that you use pigments is interesting to me, because i don't use pigments often :D

    i also own a beauty blog and i posted about your give away here :)

  61. i follow you via GFC (maRyya)
    contact me at: mar_yya at yahoo dot com
    i'd like to see some nail designs on your blog

    thank you!

  62. Following ! :D
    I would love to see more eye makeup.You have amazingly huge eyes !
    My id is amy_heartz at hotmail dot com
    I have posted about your giveaway in my blog
    Check here :

  63. Hello.

    I am a follower via GFC (Alexa1202) and my email is alexa12_02[at]yahoo[dot]com.
    I would love to enter your giveaway. I would like to see more looks on your blog. The workouts are amazing!
    I also blogged about the giveaway here:


  64. 1: I follow you via gfc (nickname Loqi)
    2: I love your makeup looks, and if possible I would love to see tutorials on them. Aaaand I love your blog name, it cracks me up. (see what I did there?)
    3: manonpen(at)gmail(dot)com
    4: I don't have a blog :( sorry

  65. hy, i'm follower you via GFC (Ana Mandekic)
    i live you photos and i would like some tutorial how to do that great photos!
    and, of course, more them!
    my mail is: a.mandekic(at)

  66. Hello hello!

    I'm actually new to your blog (found you through Phyrra), and haven't had a chance to browse it too much yet, but your makeup looks just fabulous, and it's been added to my list!! I'm a big fan of lots of color and glitter, so I think I'm really going to enjoy keeping up with your blog. I'm following you on my google feed now (zombiewench) ^_^ :)

    I don't have a blog of my own (yet), so nothing to add the contest to.

    Thank you!!!

  67. What a great giveaway :) I would like to participate in it.
    Anw i am totally follower through Google Friend Connect name liz.
    I am amazed with how you look dear :) It is quirky and unique :)

    Contact me dear :)

    thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

  68. I love the jewelry you make/wear and find it really inspiring.

    carlette at g mail dot com.

    Great blog, fantastic giveaway!

  69. I love your looks, love how you combine different colours and they always turn out great. I would love to be able to do looks like yours in the mornings but I'd need to wake up like 2 hours before I have to leave lol :)

    my email address is: zsuzsmuzs(at)

    I posted a link to your giveaway to my sidebar:

  70. I'm a follower :)

    I love your fotds, especially cause your looks are so different from many other beauty bloggers :) And I'd love to see some tutorials for your gorgeous looks!

    badnewsxx AT gmail DOT com

  71. Yay! This truly is a huge giveaway, thanks for hosting it!

    1. I follow you through Google thingy.
    2. The thing I like about your blog is your attention to details and how skillfully you manage to do your looks. I especially love the way you're able to line your eyes. I'd like to see more posts about your clothing style and maybe posts about your jewellery. Also posts about your skincare routine would be appreciated since you seem to have a flawless skin! (except for the occasional mosquito bite that looks like a hickey, haha)
    3. adventurous (dot) purplekoala (at) gmail (dot) com
    4. Here's the post about your giveaway on my blog:

  72. This is so freaking awesome. I love this blog - you're so full of vim and vigor, and you make lovely stuff. I can never get over how gorgeous your looks are. tallian5 [at] gmail dot com

  73. hi! i realy love your looks! my e-mail is adyna_shopping at

  74. Hi, new follow here. I follow thru GFC (Bec)

    I love your make up looks and I would die to see more!


    Posted your giveaway in my sidebar:

  75. Hello I follow you via google friend and I'm new to your blog so for right now nothing in particular I'd like to see more of yet! I like your looks create if you don't do them already some tutorials or face charts would be cool! My email is missydon0505 at gmail dot com and I do not have a blog but I am on twitter and facebook so I would be happy to post about giveaway there!

  76. 1. I follow you via GFC (Shayne)
    2. My email is: setfreeshayne{at}yahoo{dot}com
    3. I love love love your application techniques & I love the photos as well. I would love to see you use more bright, unique colors :)
    4. I also pimped you out on my blog here:

    Thank Blix!!!!

  77. Hey there!

    I follow you through GFC

    I love all the color combinations you do its always so fun to see what you come up with!

    My email is bleedingviolets at gmail dot com

    I do not have a blog

  78. Hi Blix!
    1: I follow via GFC
    2: I love all of your always inspire me
    3: danielaalston(at)yahoo(dot)com

    thanks soooo much

  79. 1: follow through google friend connect
    2: I love your looks, but I'd really love to see tutorials!
    4: I don't have a blog.

  80. I am a follower via GFC under the name necessary★nails
    email: findkatherinewu at gmail dot com
    I like the different variations of eye makeup you do because it's different & it looks really good although I'm not a makeup person.
    Blog entry:

  81. I follow via GFC.
    I agree, tutorials are always very welcome~

    Jenny Stamos

  82. I'd love to be entered. What I love most about this blog are your glitter looks! It's not something that I can rock myself, but I love seeing other people pull it off. There is never enough glitter. ;)

    my email is lnhreads at yahoo dot com

  83. I follow via GFC with my IRL-identity-revealing GMail address and can also be reached at extemter at hotmail dot com. I love seeing your dramatic FOTDs paired with your gorgeous accessories. More accessories, please! I don't have a blog.

  84. 1. I'm a follower on GFC.

    2. I love your LOTDs they're gorgeous! I would like to see more looks and tips.

    3. zombiegrrl at hotmail dot com

    4. I don't have a blog

  85. 1. I am following you ^^

    2. I would love more of your glitters looks! PErfect for disco time

    3. lovelly_ank at yahoo dot com

    4. I do have a blog, but it's in my language (romanian) i will write about this tho

  86. Thank you all for entering. Holy moley! Wow...took me a while to read all of these comments! I will try to make time to do a tutorial some time, especially on glitter application. :-)
    I will work on my skin care routine to let you all know what I do with my skin.
    I will do more outfit posts so you folks can see my funky clothes/jewelry and style more.
    I will also work on makeup organization post and collection post.
    I already have an eyeliner video tutorial posted. :-)

    I won't be posting any NOTD because I don't paint my nails. Sorry!

    If there is anything else I can do to improve or add some more fun to my blog, lemme know. :-)

  87. wow amazing giveaway.. i found bout your blog from giveaway blog. and i glad i follow your blog =)
    I would to see more eotd with not too much eyeshadow color hehe
    i repost here :

    thank you :)

  88. OMG look at all that awesome stuff!!!

    *Megan Harmeyer
    *I love all the colors you use and, like a lot of other people, tutorials would be awesome!
    *Posted on blog:

  89. HOLY SHIT that's a lot of entries! What I'd like to see more of from you is swatches; I know you have a crazy collection so share teh prettiez plz. :)

    You soo have my email, but! heatherbabyx at gmail dot com

    And I shall link to your giveaway tomorrow :)

  90. Hi,
    thanks for having a giveaway :) prizes look awesome !!!
    My favorite part of your blog are your make up looks, so neat and precise. I would love to do my make up the way you do. And you have the prettiest eyes for make up, every color look amazing on you.
    I would love to see your brushes collection as I am currently stocking up and would use a bit of advice :)

    Keep up the great job.

    My email adress: magda dot kubiak at gmail dot com.

    And my blog adress:

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Hi!

    I'm following you trough GFC (cindy), and my email: diamantje_c[at]hotmail[dot]com.

    Haha I just read you aren't gonna do your nails, so i won't say that :P I wouldn't know what else because i just found out about your site, and i'm still looking around and think you make gorgeous looks! I always like more personal blogs, so maybe some more personal stuff, but thats ofcourse something not everyone wants :P

  93. hi i am following with GFC.
    i love that you use a lot of indy companies, i'd like to see more drama looks!
    imogensr(at) is my email.
    i will post in my sidebar a linkback in a moment :)

  94. hi. its frankie again.
    this is my blog you're in the sidebar :D

  95. 1.I follow you through GFC.
    2. Your looks are always gorgeous. I also love swatches & can never get enough of them.
    3. jryder416 at yahoo dot com
    Thanks for such an awesome contest!
    Jennifer R

  96. 1. I am a follower :) tessa mastenbroek

    2. I want to see more glitters, I looooove glitters :D

    3. tessa [dot] mastenbroek [at] xs4all [dot] nl

    4. I blogged in the sidebar :D

  97. I am a follower (Throuthehaze)
    I love the tons of great pics on your blog! Your LOTDs are awesome!


    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  98. I'm a new follower :)

    Since I'm a new follower I've only gone through about a handful of pages and posts, but do you have tutorials/how to's for us makeup challenged gals :) Otherwise I love everything on your blog I've seen so far :)

    polishedlyrics at hotmail dot com

    I posted about your giveaway on my blog

    Thank you!

  99. Awesome giveaway! I am now a follower of your blog and will post about this giveaway on my blog!

    I love the colors of your blog and of course love the fact that you have a makeup giveaway!

    My email is:

  100. you're blog is new to me and i really like it, but I especially like the posts where you include your outfits & jewelry (: Tutorials would also be great, I'd be especially curious about tutorial videos, they're so fun!

    jess @ jessica {dot} lyons {at} gmail {dot} com

  101. Hi!
    I'm a follower.
    I like your looks, and I'd like to see hauls and tutorials.
    I've put a link to your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog:

  102. Hi. I just became a Google Connect Blog follower of your site. The best thing about your blog HAS to the phrase: Glitter is my Crack! How funny!

    My email: terilb61 @

    The "T" in S & T Creations

  103. Been a follower of yours for a while, just love your dramatic gothic looks and your eyemakeup looks are a huge inspiration for me. Just keep on doing what you do..i love looking at your makeup pics!
    My email -
    Here is my blog entry -

  104. Following though gfc, i love it how it is, a peek of everything to clubbing make-up and fitness. oh i want to see more fyrinnae looks :)

    sikoreo at hotmail dot com

  105. I follow you through Google Connect as Jo Tee! I absolutely love your LOTD and EOTD, they make me want to do my makeup that much more, and your makeup is absolutely beautiful! You are incredibly talented. I would also love to see a makeup collection post! My email is jo.tee35[at]gmail[dot]com. Sorry, I don't have a blog!

  106. 1. I'm a follower!

    2. I love the beautiful eye looks you do. I think you mentioned you don't really like doing tutorials, but if you did you'd have an avid audience, from me at least!

    3. darceyunderwood at gmail dot com

    4. I reposted!

    Thank you, awesome giveaway!

  107. 1. I follow through Google Friend Connect! I found you awhile back ago as a lurker, but lost the site:(

    2. I love the colorful es combos, and how awesome skills you got with the blending! I esp loves those with glitters involved;D I'd love to see more of your hair acessories and handmade stuff in the posts:)

    3. bubbleboo86 at hotmail dot com

    4. Sorry I don't have a blog:(

  108. I am following under the name TigerLily. I love your fotd's because you are so damn gorgeous and your makeup application is really clean. I have posted a notice in this post on my blog:

    My email is tomi.colleen[at]yahoo[dot]com
    Thanks for this giveaway!

  109. Awesome giveaway :)
    I am ur new follower via gfc as
    Sarah hussain(Innocent122)

    your blog is new to me and i really like it, but I especially like the posts where you include your outfits & jewelry :).
    Tutorials would also be great,

    my email



  110. Hi Blix!

    Wow, these are some very awesome prizes!

    I've been a sparkle addict of yours for a little while.
    The thing I love about your blog is the large clear pictures of your beautiful, imaginative, vivid looks from different angles. They're very detailed and easy to follow if anyone wanted to try to re-create them on themselves.

    You have very talented hands!

    I have blogged about your giveaway on my blog also :)

    Email is: mycherryblossomtree at hotmail dot com

    Thank you! :)

  111. enter me!!!
    I love how you mix and match the colors.
    I want more gorgeous EOTDs from you. :)
    I've posted it on my blog.

  112. I've been lurking and checking out your blog for a few months now, but just now added you to Google friend connect :)

    What I love about your blog is that you use so many different styles that are really versatile. You have such a unique style, and of course you are gorgeous! :) I would love to maybe see step by step tutorials, or various pictures of the process. I've also been checking out your reviews for the fitness/workout stuff, I love it! I always wonder which stuff is actually worth trying, and your reviews have helped me a little, even though I'm a much less fit than you. ^_~

    Email for the contest: tingley.anna(at)gmail(dot)com

  113. Something else I like about this contest, no matter what, any place you manage to luckily win, you get a great prize! I've always wanted to try AL and she will be out of business before I have an income again darn it.

  114. Enter me please! I'm a new follower via GFC. I'd like to see more NOTDs!


    Ana Belén R.M

  115. I am a follower through google (astraea1976)

    email: astraea1976 at aol dot com

    I would love to see some gothic looks with glitter. I love eyeshadows and nail polishes with glitter.

  116. I love your looks.. specially the ones with glitter :P You make amazing stuff!

    evil.she.devil.7 at gmail dot com

  117. I'm following through GFC!

    I don't have a blog, but I'm constantly thinking of getting one every time I see all the cool stuff you're up to (I'm manically checking your blog at least once a day). So I'd love to see you keeping up what you're already doing, but I'd also love to see more themed looks (could be anything, but it would be really cool if you'd do a 20's, 30's etcetera themed look!)

    My email: xlindajohanssonx (at) gmail (dot) com

  118. Hi!!I follow you!I love your looks,are amazing!You're very talented!

    I'm going to publish your giveaway in my blog:

    My email is mireita_valero(at)hotmail(dot)com


  119. 1. follower
    2. i like your looks - they are very different from mine. and the jewelry! i really like to look at the exotic headpieces and interesting necklaces. envy...
    3. liisk at

    PS! do you know you are one of the few who has TKB Trading micas and actually uses them?

  120. Hey
    I am new follower through gfc as Sadi

    I love your make up looks and I would die to see more!

    Lots of Love

  121. I love your blog name, and the fact that you call your followers "Sparkle Addicts", because that is SO me. I'm a diehard makeup addict.

    I am starting a new blog in which I will post about this.

    My email is

  122. Hi!
    Im your 501st follower :) I saw this blog because of the giveaway, it was posted on one of my fav beauti blogs, and i came here, and its fabuolous! You are really great, i'd like to be as talented as you are. What Im missing is, the natural look, some beige, some gold, and i'd like to see here more brown and orange eyes, if its possible :).

    I posted you on my blog (, i hope others can find you, how i did it:D. My email is: fildi92[at]hotmail[dot]com

    fildi :)

  123. Oh dear, seems my post has not come through...
    I am a follower and I really like that your style is so very different then mine, and i have to confess, I like to come here for a peek on the jewelry too.
    My email address is liisk at hotmail dot com and I wrote a little something about this giveaway in my blog too, using your pics, hope you do not mind :)

  124. Enter me please! I don't have a blog but I'm a follower via GFC as Victoria :)

    I love your looks, especially how to combine colors and blending.
    I'd like to see more swatches, for example.


    coloressinmezclar at hotmail dot com

  125. First of all I love your blog and I'm a follower:)
    Second, for me the EOTD are the best, you make such great creations. How to's are always much appreciated, since I'm not so good at a lot of make up things *lol*
    So my email is Luves_beach at hotmail dot com
    and unfortenately I don't have a blog...

  126. Heyoooo - not sure if it's fair for me to enter your giveaway, but I'm gonna do it =)
    1. done
    2. What I like about your blog is.. that I found a new friend through google image searching A Fyrinnae shadow, your good energy and your pretty pictures of creative makeup looks. I'd love to see more photos of the jewelry you make, namely things you are really proud of and want to show off. It'd also be cool to see a few posts of makeup looks using only one brand.. like just one eyeshadow brand, ya know?

    3. elizabeth divine at gmail dot com


    4. I don't have a blog!

  127. Following. =P

    I think I'd like to see more club night stories.
    Not only is that when you wear lots of jewelry, red-plum lips and we get outfit shots, but the stories/photos of some of the visitors are awesome. (Crutch Lady and Cross-Humper Guy, anyone?)
    (And earings/hairclips in your stores *shifty eyes*)

    Email is ellie _ mckechnie at hotmail dot com
    Minus all the spaces.

    No blog.

  128. Following. =P

    I think I'd like to see more club night stories.
    Club nights seem to equal red-plum lips, lots of jewelry, full outfit shots and... stories of the club's visitors. (Crutch Lady and the Cross-Humper, anyone?)
    (Also hairclips/earing in your store? 0=) )

    Email is:
    ellie _ mckechnie at hotmail dot com

    No spaces whatsoever.

  129. 1. I'm a new reader of your blog but I like it because you're really creative. Some makeup blogs are boring but not yours!!
    I'd like to see more makeup reviews because they are really useful.

    2. E-mail:
    3.My blog: There is a post about this giveaway in Hungarian.

  130. Gaspers! September 11th is my GMAT!

    What I love about your blog is the different eyeshadow looks that you post. I am still trying to figure out how you get your colors to show up so well! What kind of camera do you use? Even though I just bought mine, I don't think it's even close to matching up! Lol!

    My email is svelterose at stny dot rr dot com

    I will definitely be linking back to this contest! So many lovely items :D

  131. Competition is going to be TOUGH!!!

    I follow you as Kimberly on GFC.
    Email is libbyspinkvanity(at)

    What I like best about your blog is that you list the exact products you use. And also, you state the location on the eye too.

    I posted on my blog about the giveaway.

  132. Such goodies! I'm new GFC follower "Freshie" my email is PolishFreshie at AOL dot com. Your eye makeup is so gorgeous with all the colors, I'm an eyehshadow color whore myself. I've added you to my blogroll:

  133. I love how beautiful and unique you are! We have similar facial features so it's nice to known what products/colors work for you would work for me too

    laura (at)

  134. Following!

    I am wowed by the eye looks you do - they give me so many ideas. Plus the amazing club outifts, your jewelry, and the camping photos which have me itching to go camping again soon!

    Love the blog and I cannot wait to see what you show us next! I posted this on Twitter (RisaBarte) too!

    pamperedchefrisa at comcast dot net

  135. i am your newest follower. i'll definitely be looking forward to reading your blog.


  136. my email is mylifeascarrie(at)gmail(dot)com


  137. More makeup reviews deff please!! :)))

    xo - mallory

  138. I love your creative eye looks and your incredible eyebrows! It would be awesome if you did makeup tutorials.

    I don't have a blog, sadly. :(

    makeaneffort at yahoo dot com

  139. Hello, I follow your blog.
    My nick: Salisha
    I love to see your looks, are very nice, I love makeup.
    My email:
    I'm from Spain
    The giveaway will announce now on my blog in an entry in the sidebar.

    Kisses and thanks :)

  140. Enter me, please :)
    I'm follower Lucisek-Lucy's Stash
    I absolutely love your colourful makeups and I want to see more of them!

    I blogged about your giveaway-left sidebar



  141. Wow, what an amazing, generous giveaway!!

    1. I'm a follower, of course.

    2. I love your gorgeous make up looks, you're so talented! Keep on doing what you're doing, I love it!


    4. You're linked in my sidebar :)


  142. I'm a big fan of mineral pigments, so love all the looks you did with them

    My post:


  143. I am a follower but dont have my own blog sorry.

    I would change one thing but it is not content. i love your pictures and cool looks. But if you could have more than one posting per page and have only a few comments your blog would be easier to read. just a suggestion.

  144. I appreciate all the suggestions and entries! Thank you all for participating. :-)

    I will try to do some of these requests (tutorials/reviews/themed looks). However, like I mentioned before, I DO NOT wear nail polish so I will not be posting nail pictures unless it is a guest post of someone else.

    I've never had anyone say my blog is hard to read. I'm not sure what you mean by me doing more than one post per page and have fewer comments. My blog is set up for 8 posts per page and that is how I see it unless one particular post has a ton of pictures.
    I'm not sure if you mean I should talk less in my posts or that I should only allow a small amount of comments on my blog. Either way, that seems sort of a negative thing. I will chat as much as I feel like on my blog and I love hearing from my followers so I won't limit them.
    Overall your suggestion seems pretty negative. If I took what you said wrong, I'm sorry and please clarify.

  145. I am SO far behind on everything as if you couldn't tell LOL. I just found this and definitely want to enter.

    1. I am a follower just not a very good one. I sorry. It seems like the last month or so things have exploded in my social life!

    2. I would love to see more looks from you. I love your sense of color.

    3. thederangeddolly at

    4. I posted!

  146. hello!
    love your blog, i think you should start posting outfit/makeup combos! this could be a nice way to add some new content!

    thanks for the giveaway!!

  147. I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago, and I really appreciate your knowledge as far as make-up is concerned.
    From a personal point of vue, I'd suggest lighter colors for backgrouns and texts, just because it's not always easy to read everything^^

    Have a nice day!

    by the way, my e-mail adress is
